Spanish Supermarket Shopping

If you're coming on holiday to Marbella and are staying in a self-catering apartment or a villa then the chances are that you'll need to go to a supermarket but you will have no idea what the items that you need are called in Spanish. We've put together a handy little list to help you and make you're supermarket shop as quick as possible so you can get back to the beach in no time!


Bread - Pan

Sliced bread for toast - Pan de molde

Butter - Mantequilla

Jam - Mermelada

Milk - Leche


Semi-skimmed - Semi-desnatada

Full fat - Entera

Cheese - Queso

Eggs - Huevos

Ham - Jamon

Chicken - Pollo

Pork - Cerdo

Beef - Ternera

Turkey - Pavo

Bacon - Beicon

Fish - Pescado

Apple - Manzana

Lemon - Límon

Orange - Naranja

Tomato - Tomate

Cucumber - Pepino

Lettuce - Lechuga

Onion - Cebolla

Tinned chopped tomatoes - Tomate troceado

Tinned crushed tomatoes - Tomate triturado

Tuna - Atun

Oil - Aceite

Olives without stone - Aceitunas sin hueso

Olive with stone - Aceitunas con hueso

Ice cream - Helado

Biscuits - Galletas

Rice - Arroz

Salt and pepper - Sal y pimienta

Garlic - Ajo

Sugar - Azucar



Sponge - Esponja

Washing up liquid - Lavavajillas

Toilet Roll - Papel Hijienico

Suntan Cream - Crema Solar

Bleach - Lejía

Washing powder - Detergente

Conditioner (clothes) - Suavizante

Shampoo - Champu

Conditioner (hair) - Acondicionador


Water - Agua

Fizzy - Con gas

Wine - Vino

White wine - Vino blanco

Red wine - Vino tinto

Beer - Cerveza

Coffee - Cafe

Tea - Te

Camomile tea - Manzanilla


Dairy Products - Productos Lácteos

Drinks - Bebidas

Fruit & Veg - Frutas y Verdura

Cleaning Products - Limpieza Del Hogar

Sweets & Cakes - Dulces y Bollería

Bakery - Panadería

Wine & Spirits - Licores y Vino

Newspapers & Magazines - Prensas y Revistas

Fishmonger - Pescadería

Butcher - Carnicería

Ready Made Meals - Platos Preparados

Make-Up Counter - Maquillaje

When it comes to spirits, you can of course buy the brands that you know and love but there are some cheaper brands used by locals that are just as good.

When you go to the supermarket, it's best to head to a Mercadona or Lidl for the bulk of your shopping. Supersol can help with some of your needs but can be a little pricey and even though Opencor is open 365 days a year, ideally only go there when the others are shut as it can be a lot more expensive. All supermarkets charge for plastic bags (under 5 cents per bag) so if you don't want to pay, bring your own and if you want to pay by card make sure you have ID with you as you will be asked for it.